Wednesday, January 19, 2005

the lost art of effort

Don't Read This!

It is not worth the effort.

No, really, stop.

You are going to look for meaning

and not find it quick enough.

which means, you'll be disappointed,

and who needs to be disappointed these days.

there is already so much disappointment in the world,

why invite it in?

have a drink, relax.

you've worked so hard this week.

you deserve a cool relaxing drink.

sit down in your favorite seat.

that's it. relax.

now grab the clicker and press 'on'

oh, that feels good!

another drink, sure

go ahead, you worked your eight today

you earned it, relax.

I wonder what happened today in the world?

Let's watch some news:


let's just stay local,

I'm tired of hearing about the war.

There is never anything interesting happening.

No fires, No car chases, some gang member killed, yawn.

Adopt a dog-- so cute, so sad.

Someone else will adopt the little cutie.

Eat dinner: it's pre-made, prepackaged and pre-warmed.

Let's watch the cooking channel, dee-lish!

Someday when you have more time,

you'll cook a meal like that or

better yet, after you win the lottery,

you'll pay someone to do it for you.

Yeah, when you win the lottery,

things'll be different then...

no more 40 hours a week,

the commute, the boss...poof!

all gone. then you can get

all the premium channels on digital cable

and get that big leather seat,

with the remote hiding place in the arm. (so cool)

no, better yet, get that big plasma

for outside, so you can watch while you

swim in your new pool! that's the life--

nothing to do, but relax.

people cooking for you,

kickin’ it with a drink,

chillin’ out watching the tube.

Now, that's the good life.

Well, if you made it this far,

you must be a gluten

for punishment.

Stop. Oh, please stop.

A reality show is on.

Quick, you don't want to miss out

on pre-taped and edited reality.

Are you still here?

I want to be an idol

You need to be a good role model

I want to be pretty

Someone you don’t respect already thinks so

I want to be a survivor

You made it this far, and now you want a medal

I want to be rich

More is never enough for the discontent

I want to laugh at those

who have more than me

(someone is laughing at you)

I want to feel pity

for someone poorer than me

(someone feels pity for you)

I want to laugh at the person

who doesn’t know the joke is on him.

(one day that person is you)

Are you still here?

Well, you better change the channel,

this show is over.

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